



Dandelion Prints


The the end result of an in-depth look at dandelions.

 While some people think that dandelions are pesky, historically  they were of great use ….. food, drink and medicine.  But now many of us just think of them as weeds.  Pesky weeds that many people shoot with chemicals to assassinate them especially before they turn into those white seed bearing blow things.

As a child, I remember blowing the seed heads all around…. running through fields of them spreading them into more and more dandelions. So fun!  

Since they are busy blooming now I thought it would be a great time to look closer at these invading/nutritious plants.

I was able to dig up a really big plant with a gigantic root.  I asked the kids if they knew what it was.  Upon first glance one of them said, “Carrot!” But after they actually looked closer and touched it they realized it was a indeed a dandelion.  We chatted about how big the root is and that it slurps up the water for the plant.  Then I showed them a time lapse video of a dandelion’s life

Some of them were surprised to learn that the yellow dandelion and the white puffball were from the same plant.  The video helped the kids to see what happens to the yellow flower.  It is actually amazing. 

Then we chatted more about the leaves.  I told them that you can eat dandelion leaves, BUT we need talk to an adult before picking them because sometimes they are in places that have been sprayed with chemicals or peed on by dogs etc. (if you are going to do this please do some research online.)   I was able to buy some really huge dandelion leaves at Wild by Nature and we had a taste test!


Kaeley opted out of tasting, just feeling it!


Mae nibbled the tip!


Rylie digging in !


Rory getting ready to taste!

Let’s just say they learned what the word bitter means!!!  However, I was so proud of the willing taste testers!

After we finished our taste test we went outside and put the remains of these leaves in the compost heap and visited with our lettuce that we planted a few weeks ago.  I think this lettuce will be a bit yummier!!!


For our grand finale, we went into the field and dug up some dandelions to make  prints with the leaves. 






Love seeing how hard they worked to get those dandelions up!

It was a dandy day full new tastes and info. Even gave them a dandelion leaf recipe to take home if their parents are brave enough to try!

The kids will never look  at dandelions in the same way! 

Get out and check out your local dandelions!










Early in May my Sticks, Stones and Stories classes planted sugar snap peas and basil.  We set them in our hot house and let them begin their circle of life.   


After they sprouted we planted them in our own little section of the garden.   They grew and grew and grew and today we picked them!!!!  Crunchy snap peas and smelly basil.  As we picked our bounty the kids found a cool caterpillar and a very busy snail.  So fun!  It feels so good to pick and eat something that we grew ourselves.  Sustenance for all the kiddies.  


ImageImageImageI look forward to September when these wonderful children come back for more fun and exploring!  Happy Veggies!



ImageTime to be free…. ImageImage Yesterday the Natural Patterns class spent the afternoon in the garden releasing some ladybugs.  Actually 2500 of them.  I was so proud of the kids as they let the bugs crawl all over their hands.  Now one screeched or ran away. The bugs had friendly hands to climb onto.   

I think it was the first time in my life i was ever covered in bugs.  They tickled our hands and sometimes our necks.  Pure joy!  

After doing some research about where to purchase them I decided on the   I ordered them on Friday and they arrived on Tuesday.  When the mailman delivered them he said he was creeped out the whole time he was driving around with them in his truck!!  Ha ha!  

It was a great day ….. we watched a video showing a time lapsed life cycle of the ladybug (or lady beetle as some refer to it) and the kids were amazed to see what they look like in the larval stage.  

I hope these bugs decide to stay around our garden and make some more ladybugs to keep all the plants healthy!  

 More fun pictures……   
