


RUN!!! What could be more fun than running down a path without anybody yelling at you to stop doing what occurs naturally.  As adults we’ve learned to temper this behavior but I must say I do enjoy running with the kids making noises and laughing.

Best job ever!

Today we read a story about a personified mud puddle that kept jumping on this little girl, we made mud and painted with it and then took a hike!  What made me laugh the most was when we were all done with our day the kids came back into the barn with their rosy cheeks and runny noses and asked, “What to we do next?”  Image

There is no time for boredom when you have your senses alive, when the sunshine warms your face and the breeze is just right!  These kids are learning outside… not in the traditional way.  They are fearless or the things they fear may not be one day because of what they are  doing in the woods!  They are developing an attachment to this place and my hope is that one they will ask their parents if they can take a hike sometime or play in the backyard with dirt.

Here are some more pictures of our time outside……   Peace…

